Are you safe at work? Persons provide first aid at the workplace – BHV

Have you ever wondered if you are safe at work? Do you know how to behave in a life-threatening situation? Do you know when you are entitled to stop working? Do you finally know how you should react when your friend is injured? These and many other questions you should ask yourself before you start working.

To take care of your own safety, you must be aware.

Signing a contract of employment and obtaining personal protective equipment is not the most important element of ensuring your safety at work. The Dutch Labor Law regulations impose on the employer the obligation of workplace training, which, in addition to a practical explanation of the tasks performed, is also intended to discuss security procedures.

What do you need to know to increase your safety?

First of all, you must know your rights. The Dutch law on working environment conditions guarantees you the right to stop working when you are in danger. You are obliged to immediately inform the employer about this fact.
In addition, you need to know where in your workplace there is a place of collection, escape routes, a fire extinguisher and who is responsible for providing first aid.

BHV – person responsible for first aid in the workplace

First of all, if you are a witness to an accident or find a person injured in the workplace, you can not be indifferent. Immediate reaction is necessary in this case. The second step is to inform the right person about the accident. Each company has its own factory action plan that accurately describes the steps involved in fighting emergency situations. On large construction sites and refineries, you will find emergency telephones.

BHV training

Persons who have undergone BHV training are responsible in the workplace for: first aid, fighting the initial phase of the fire and conducting an evacuation action. This is a very responsible function, which is why employees must receive good preparation and instructions. The BHV training lasts 1-2 days and ends with an exam checking the acquired knowledge. Obtained diploma is valid 1- 2 years from the date of issue.
In our center, we regularly organize BHV trainings in various languages. The training program is each time adapted to the industry, type of work and possible risks.